Marketing Resources

Psychologists and therapists will face difficulties standing out against the wave of new competitor practices. The fact that you use VR already gives you an important added value compared to the rest of your colleagues, but you need to publicize your services and the benefits that come with them.

In the Amelia platform, you will find many marketing actions to boost your practice’s ability to stand out and attract/maintain patients.

Online Marketing

  • Google My Business - A profile in Google My Business allows you to share the most relevant information about your business. 
  • Medical directories of your country - Add your business in your country’s web pages with directories of doctors and specialists.
  • Social media - With a wide global audience on social media, you can advertise your services for free using business accounts and different types of content. On Amelia's MKT Resources page you can find various photos and graphics explaining the benefits of VR, which you can download and share with your networks. (LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, etc)

1. Marketing Resources 1 [EN]

  • Build your own website - Having your own page will give you prestige and generate trust in potential patients who find you. Remember: give your website your branding image. 

Your website must have at least these five sections:

➔ Home

➔ About

➔ Services

➔ Contact

➔ VR for mental health

  • Start blogging - Within your website add a 'Blog' section where you can write articles on topics related to your practice and VR, for example, What is VR? How is a VR therapy session done? Overcome your phobias with VR.
  • Free value content - Providing "free" help with the intention of making yourself known and retaining your audience until they finally decide to hire your services. This free help can be done by creating valuable content. Examples: Ebooks, Webinars, Infographics, Podcasts, Newsletters. 

In all of these cases, be sure to mention in your profile: That you offer Virtual Reality therapy.

Offline Marketing

While having an online presence is an absolute necessity nowadays, offline marketing strategies can also be highly beneficial for clinical practices.

  • Time to re-brand? - Many mental health professionals make the common mistake of forgetting about the look and feel of their business. What to define in a branding kit: Logo, Color Palette, Slogan. 

1. Marketing Resources 2.0 [EN]

  • Get some awesome business cards - Business cards may be one of the oldest traditional marketing methods, but that doesn’t make them any less valuable.

Don't forget to include in it:

➔ Your logo 

➔ Practice and personal contact information

➔ website URL 

➔ Social media accounts

*You can add a slogan or icon that makes it understood that you offer VR therapy.

  • Create pamphlets and flyers - While social media ads typically only hold a person’s attention for less than a minute, print ads such as flyers and pamphlets have a much longer shelf life and are more accessible for patients to refer back to. On Amelia's MKT Resources page you can find various flyers and brochures to download - print - and hand out.
  • Host classes and events - Although it may not seem immediately obvious, the importance of creating connections within your community cannot be overstated. 
  • Participating in community events and hosting some of your own will pay off tremendously in the long term and help you be more present in your patients’ lives.

Where to find Amelia’s Marketing Resources on the platform?

1. Marketing Resources 3.0 [EN]

  1. Go to the Academy Section of the Menu.
  2. Scroll down the page.
  3. Click on the Marketing Resources option.


  1. Click on the “?” symbol next to the initials of your name, on the top right of the platform. 
  2. Choose the option Marketing Resources
1. Marketing Resources 3 [EN]

You will find:

- Online Marketing Guide

- Videos

- Flyers

- Brochures

- Social Media Banner

- Social Media Posts

- Post Ads

- Images Resources

- Instagram highlights icons

- Backgrounds for Zoom Meetings

- Icons to use on your web